bring the garbage they fish ashore.

We all use plastic on a daily basis and is apart of our modern lives. And although, plastic may seem harmless, it becomes a hazard to all ocean creatures.
Because plastic can take decades to bio degrade, the problem facing our oceans is not only a problem for today, but generations to come.
The Seaqual initiatives aims to combat this problem by cleaning our oceans and using the recycled waste to create eco friendly textiles used in the manufacturing of products.

Frequently asked questions
Turning recycled plastics into high quality, sustainable polyester fibres.
When you support Restonic Namibia you get on board with SEAQUAL™ and help 1500 fishermen who bring the garbage they fish ashore.
400 boats retrieve 1 ton of trash daily and 100% of this garbage gets recycled.
600 tons in total has been collected. (estimated)
600 tons in total has been collected. (estimated)
Brands and Manufacturers from more than 60 countries have joined the SEAQUAL™ initiative.
Join the SEAQUAL™ community and dream of change as you sleep on the SEAQUAL™ mattress.